Purdue SMART Lab Team


Bumjoo Lee, Ph.D.

Prof. Lee became a SMART Lab alumni in August 2019.

Ph.D. KAIST in South Korea (EECS)

Work Experience:

    Associate Professor, Myongji University, South Korea, 2012-present

Current Research:

    Humanoid robot system - My research interests include the areas of Humanoid Robotics, especially in motion planning and control algorithm.

      1. Development of humanoid robot system
      2. Motion planning and control algorithm
      - Dynamic walking control
      - Walking pattern generation algorithm
      3. Estimator algorithm for kinematical parameters
      - Structural displacement estimation

Publications (recent 10 years):
  • J. Y. Rhee and B. Lee, "Analytical method for differentiation of robot Jacobian," in Electronics Letters, vol. 53, no. 6, pp. 386-387, 3 16 2017.
  • B. Lee, D. Kim, and Y.-D. Hong. "Differential planetary mechanism of reduction gear for robotic applications." Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science (2017): 0954406217691071.
  • Dugarjav, Batsaikhan, et al (B. Lee). "Adaptive online cell decomposition with a laser range finder in unknown non-rectilinear environments." International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing 18.4 (2017): 487-495.
  • H. Park, B. Lee, and Donghan Kim. "Development of Anthropomorphic Robot Finger for Violin Fingering." ETRI Journal 38.6 (2016): 1218-1228.
  • Y.-D. Hong, and B. Lee, "Evolutionary Optimization for Optimal Hopping of Humanoid Robots." IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 64.2 (2017): 1279-1283.
  • W. Jo, B. Lee, and D. Kim, "Development of auditory feedback system for violin playing robot." International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing 17.6 (2016): 717-724.
  • Y.-D. Hong, K.-B. Lee, and B. Lee, "Dynamic simulation of modifiable walking pattern generation to handle infeasible navigational commands for humanoid robots." J. Elect. Eng. Technol (2015).
  • H. Park, et al(B. Lee). "A study on Robotic Hand and Finger for Violin Playing Robot." International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 10.11 (2015): 27553-27557.
  • Y.-D. Hong, and B. J. Lee. "Experimental study on modifiable walking pattern generation for handling infeasible navigational commands." J. Elect. Eng. Technol 10.6 (2015): 2368-2375.
  • B. Lee. "Development of coaxial wire reduction gear for manipulator robots." Electronics Letters 51.10 (2015): 747-749.

    lee3114 at purdue dot edu